Getting Pregnant Again after a Miscarriage: Health Questions Answered

Why it's important to talk about the facts and emotions behind this issue.

Pregnancy is often a time full of excitement, but it can also stir anxiety for many women – worrying that your baby will be healthy, worrying how you’ll adjust to motherhood, or feeling anxious about how the new baby may change things with your partner.

As a registered nurse specializing in reproductive medicine for over a decade, I have shared many moments of initial excitement, but have also supported many through feelings of devastation when a miscarriage occurs. If a previous pregnancy ended in miscarriage, an added layer of anxiety may naturally occur and I want us to be able to talk about this.

The exact statistics on miscarriage are hard to come by because many women don’t talk about it or share their loss. It’s likely that miscarriages happen even more frequently than we all realize, and can be the explanation for when your period is just a bit late. In any case, miscarriage is more common than we sometimes acknowledge, and it is a difficult loss that needs to be recognized.

Miscarriage Defined

Miscarriage refers to any spontaneous loss of a pregnancy before the 20th week of pregnancy. It can make you feel sad, angry, guilty, or even confused – all at the same time. You and your partner may process it differently, and friends/family may not be as supportive as you might wish.

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Many people who’ve experienced miscarriages could write a list of comments of what not to say to someone in your shoes. It’s important to give yourself and your partner the space and time to grieve, to recognize that no one is at fault, and to be sure you’re ready, together, when you decide to start trying again.

Pregnancy After Miscarriage

Since the cause of miscarriage is often not known, getting pregnant again can feel daunting and scary. It can be reassuring to know though that many women go on to have successful, healthy next pregnancies. A small percentage of women may have another miscarriage, and if that does occur, it’s a good time to speak with your healthcare provider.

Multiple Miscarriages

After two miscarriages ,your doctor may suggest that you do some further testing (blood work or some imaging studies) to make sure there’s nothing that should be addressed.

Sex After Miscarriage

It’s important to speak with your healthcare provider after your miscarriage so they can let you know when it will be safe to have sex again. It’s often recommended to wait a few weeks, and it may be necessary to follow-up with blood tests that measure your beta hCG (pregnancy hormone). It will likely take some time for your period to return as well, and please remember that it is possible to get pregnant again before your period returns.

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When to Try Getting Pregnant Again

Aside from these considerations, and unless there’s something else your doctor has discussed with you, there aren’t usually any other clinical reasons to wait to try to get pregnant again...but it’s about what you feel emotionally and physically ready for.

Supporting a Healthy and Safe Pregnancy

I’ve often been asked what can be done to try and prevent a miscarriage from occurring, but I offer a shift in mindset toward the positive goal of supporting a healthy and safe pregnancy. Ways to help overall in supporting a healthy pregnancy include leading an active overall lifestyle, as well as avoiding alcohol, smoking, and drugs. Make sure you’re taking your vitamins, eating healthy, and getting exercise and rest.

When you do get pregnant again, my number one tip is to be kind to yourself. Self-care is so important and any anxiety mixed with joy is likely to be even more pronounced given what you’ve been through. You may want to tell friends/family right away, or you may want to wait longer to share the news. There’s no right way to do it, but trust your intuition and let that guide you. Make sure to allow yourself to feel your emotions, lean on your partner and friends for support, and if you need additional support, please reach out to your healthcare team.

Just like a rainbow typically follows a storm, and provides hope for the future, my hope is that you’ll be snuggling with a sweet and healthy rainbow baby in your arms.

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For those of you who’ve experienced miscarriages and gotten pregnant again – if you’re willing, please feel free to share any thoughts below that might offer comfort to other women.

Disclosure: This post provides content and discussion related to health, wellness, and related subjects. The words and other content provided in this blog including links should not be considered medical advice and should not be construed as such. Any health/wellness information should not be considered an alternative or replacement for information given to you by a licensed physician. If the reader or any other person has a medical concern, he or she should consult with a licensed physician.

Linda Scruggs

Linda Scruggs

Linda Scruggs RN, BSN serves as a resource for parents in the digital space, creating helpful health and wellness content. She has specialized for over 12 years in reproductive medicine, and family and women's health as a nurse. A mom of two young children, her work can be seen on her own blog via her site,, as a contributor to The Huffington Post, and created the patient education program in one of the top fertility centers in the country. Linda is all about empowerment in motherhood and would love to connect.

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