Best Board Books for Babies

Books to engage your baby that you won’t mind reading over and over.

These authors have written almost 100 books that are sure to please.

I often joke that our house is carpeted in books and, many days, this is more fact than fiction. My children have full shelves of books, with extras in common areas.

While we love to introduce board books to our babies, we’ve learned that not all board books are equal.

It turns out that many board books are, in fact, originally written for older children and just published in a board book format. The storylines are often far above the attention span of a baby, or even a young toddler. This makes finding stories just for babies a bit tricky.

While most longer stories can be shortened on-the-spot by parents, it’s nice to have a go-to shelf of books just for baby. We’ve found certain authors that have published numerous books (almost 100 books total) that fit the bill of being the perfect length and appropriate content-level just for your child 0-18 months.

5 Favorite Board Book Authors

Are you looking for the perfect gift this holiday season? Or do you need to build up your home library a bit? Any of the following authors will be winners with your little one.

Favorite Author #1: Leslie Patricelli

Without a doubt, Leslie Patricelli has risen to the top of our list of favorite board book authors. Her stories are simple enough to be enjoyed by babies and aren’t boring for adults to read over and over. Patricelli’s board books have straightforward illustrations with details young toddlers will notice. They often introduce opposite concepts such as: Yummy Yucky, Quiet Loud, Big Little, and Baby Happy Baby Sad.

Favorite Author #2: Sandra Boynton

Sandra Boynton’s books have been a staple in our house for many years. With simple rhymes, silly concepts, and songs that accompany many stories, Boynton’s books are enjoyed time and time again. Any topic is fair game for Boynton, with stories about animals, abcs, going to bed, snuggling and more.

Favorite Author #3: Byron Barton

While the covers of Bryon Barton’s books may look slightly dated, you won’t want to pass up these classic stories. With simple storylines and bold illustrations Barton’s board books open baby’s eyes to Planes, Trucks, Trains, and more.

Favorite Author #4: David Shannon

David Shannon might be a favorite with my school-aged kids, but he’s captured our baby’s attention as well. Shannon’s books about Diaper David tell the stories of baby messes, stinky smells, and the art of wrestling pjs on a squirming baby. Minimal text means you’ll easily be able to complete these books with your little one, while having a chuckle or two yourself along the way.

Favorite Author #5: Anna Dewdney

Anna Dewdney has adapted her Llama Llama theme into board books. With the same loveable characters, the stories are simplified and based on concepts babies and toddlers are just learning about. Going to bed, eating meals, and a solid dose of movement words make up these favorite stories.

Each of these authors has identified the niche for children under 18 months. Their stories are enjoyed over and over again.

What do you like to read with your little one?

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Jess Wartinger

Jess Wartinger

Jess Wartinger resides in rural New York with her husband and five children. Formerly an early elementary teacher, Jess currently spends her time loving her kids and holding down the fort at home.

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