Best Baby Carriers: How to Choose the Right One for You

Find a baby carrier to meet your needs

Guidance in wading through the options and finding the perfect carrier for your needs.

It is both a blessing and a curse to have endless options for just about anything these days.

There are so many baby products that make life easier for new parents, but who hasn’t found themselves standing in the baby section, slack-jawed, and filled with trepidation at making the best choice?

If you find yourself wanting to purchase a baby carrier but are feeling overwhelmed, let me shed a little light for you.

How to Choose the Best Baby Carrier for Your Family

Types of Baby Carriers

Wraps: Fabric that wraps around you and keeps baby snuggled in tightly against your body. Wraps are ideal for the newborn and infant stage.

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Slings: Similar to wraps, slings are perfect for easily carrying your newborn or infant. Slings are much easier to use then wraps and are often secured with a ring.

Structured carriers: Most offer comfortable, adjustable shoulder and waist straps, and can be worn on your front or back. They are well suited for infants through toddlers.

How Will You Use Your Baby Carrier?

When I was pregnant I wasn’t sure a carrier was necessary, but I liked the idea of being able to keep my baby close while having my hands free.

I ended up with a Moby wrap and a BabyBjorn. I used the Moby mostly around the house when my daughter was brand new, but never really mastered the perfect fit even after watching the how-to video multiple times.

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She was two months old when we started logging miles in the Bjorn. I loved to walk and be outside and she preferred the carrier over the stroller. But because I had the original design without a waist strap, additional support would have made those miles much more comfortable.

After surveying friends, most preferred a wrap or sling for babies younger than four months and then switched to a more structured and supportive carrier after that.

Top Baby Carrier Picks


  • Moby wrap – I know several people who wanted to love this popular wrap (myself included) but felt it was too cumbersome to manage and too hot to wear in the summer. That being said, I registered for this wrap on the recommendation of other mom’s who found it to perfectly suit their needs.
  • Baby K’tan – This wrap is similar to Moby, but it is a much more manageable design and offers a more breathable fabric.


  • Tula Wrap – This device is well-liked, easy to use, and offered in two sizes to adjust to different care givers.
  • Sakura Bloom – This is a popular wrap with luxurious fabrics, for newborn to toddler.

Structured Baby Carriers:

  • Ergobaby – Remains one of the top structured carriers and offers multiple options.
    • All Position 360 – four possible positions, but requires an insert for newborns under 12 pounds.
    • ADAPT – new all-in-one carrier that transitions from newborn to toddler without needing a newborn insert.
  • Baby Tula Ergonomic Carrier – ideal for babies over 15 pounds. Simple to use and includes a handy zipper pocket.
  • LILLEbaby – Popular all-in-one carrier that works for newborns through toddlers.

Final Thoughts

Most baby carriers will take some time to get baby settled and carried comfortably. Keep trying it when baby is rested, fed, and content.

Use any baby carrier with care and caution. Be sure to consult instructions thoroughly while keeping baby’s face close and kissable. While there has been some debate regarding certain carriers leading to hip problems for the child, know that if you avoid overuse, your baby should be fine.

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If you feel like you need more hands-on knowledge, try your friends' baby carriers or you may be able to find a Babywearing community in your area that offers a lending library to try them out. 

Annie Wiesman

Annie Wiesman

Annie Wiesman is the co-author of “Education Begins at Birth: A Parent’s Guide to Preparing Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers for Kindergarten.” She is a former kindergarten teacher turned stay-at-home mom who enjoys traveling, hiking in the mountains, and creating memories together with her husband and little girl.

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